
on November 6, 2022 — by .

The Man in Christ

In this series, we explore the identity of a Christian, who is called a man in Christ throughout this lesson.

We explore the intent of God at creation, the fall of mankind through sin and God’s work of restoration.

You will also learn how God’s work of redemption impacted you as Christ believer and the hope that you have for the future.

on October 9, 2022 — by .
This content is part of a series Prayer, in .

Continue in Prayer

This is a four part teaching on prayer that inspires the man in Christ to not only pray but also be steadfast in prayer. It is extensive in what we can do and the limitless possibility prayer makes available to adherents.

This lesson will also show you our Christian duty of prayer and the numerous instructions we were given by the Lord Jesus and his apostles to pray.

Get you Bible, let us study and pray!

on August 25, 2022 — by .

God the Father – Series II

It is not God’s intent to leave us orphans in this world. In this lesson, we further explore apostolic instruction to the Church to separate from the world in 2 Corinthians 6:14 – 2 Corinthians 7:1 and what it means to live under God’s influence. This lesson explores how our attentiveness to this instruction impact what and how we enjoy God’s fatherhood. This lesson will also show you how to position yourself to maximally enjoy the benefit of God’s fatherhood.It is the second series under this title. You can find series I here.

on July 31, 2022 — by .

Fervent in Spirit – Prayer Session

This exhortation on the intensity the christian life requires to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and to live for Him here on earth. This is so needed because the ordinariness of human desire and zeal can only push a little further. This human desire is grossly limited and cannot provide the long term desire required for spiritual life. This intensity is a supply of the Spirit of Jesus and it is gained in the place of prayer. This exhortation was delivered in a prayer session. Be strengthened in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

on June 5, 2022 — by .

Your Word, My Delight: A Snap Read Through Psalm 119

In this lesson, a snap read through Psalm 119, we examine the Psalmist’s devotion to the word of God as his supreme source of guidance.

Often times, we desire the old time religion, to experience God the way heroes of Bible times experienced God. God graciously worked with these people to leave us notes on how they lead their glorious lives.

Psalm 119 is not at all shy in providing answer for the curious mind, the key is to be guided by the word of God. It was an obsession for this Psalmist.

This lesson helps us to take a cue from the playbook of this psalmist to achieve the same end.

It is a blessings.

on July 14, 2022 — by .

God the Father – Series I

In this lesson, we explore apostolic instruction to the Church in 2 Corinthians 6:14 – 2 Corinthians 7:1.

It is a passage that describes the limit of a Christian’s relationship with unbelievers across all function of life.

As it is with apostolic instructions, they never fail to show believers the identity we share with Christ, a constant reminder of who we are in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, and platform on which all our relationships are built.

This lesson explores how our attentiveness to this instruction impact what and how we enjoy God’s fatherhood.

This lesson will also show you how to position yourself to maximally enjoy the benefit of God’s fatherhood.

Get your Bible, a notepad to write and excuse yourself for a moment with the word of God.


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